New World's latest May update brings PvP players a new way to enjoy PvP and more engagement rewards, while the update also includes some important additions and changes, as well as a host of useful quality of life changes and bug fixes. To learn more about the latest news from New World, please visit

In New World, players enjoy a magical colonial-era setting and three-way faction clashes, but with little to do in endgames and progression, it's a little tedious. Since its launch, New World has attempted to address these issues with a series of major monthly updates, bringing major changes to many of its features and systems.

As Amazon Games continues to support New World, new dungeons, weapons, and an overhaul of the collection and crafting system have all been implemented. A great addition to New World's monthly updates is the new 3v3 PvP Arena system. The new Skirmish PvP game mode pits teams against the first team in a "best-of-five" match, winning three rounds and earning prize money.

Accompanying the new arena system is New World's PvP bonus track, which introduces new currencies PvP XP and Azoth Salt. Currency can be earned through most PvP-related activities, and additional Azoth Salt can be earned when you Buy New World Coins earn XP while marked as PvP. PvP XP helps you climb the bonus track for rewards like gear, weapons, and emotes.

In addition, New World has made a number of other small changes, from improving the homing of primary melee weapon attacks to increasing the evasion ability when rooted. In addition to adding new PvP content, Amazon Games has touched many aspects of the game with this update. If players want to excel in New World, players can boost their power by purchasing cheap New World Coins from

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