Cali Naturals CBD doctors could not get her out of Cali Naturals CBD coma until they found an effective method to avoid seizures that could harm her. Cali Naturals CBD girl's mother seeing that conventional drugs did not help her daughter investigated other options. He discovered a drug derived from cannabis, cannabidiol or CBD, and after receiving three treatments with Cali Naturals CBD extract, his coma could be lifted. Seedsman Photo Cup Now Annalize no longer suffers from constant seizures and her cognitive abilities are recovering. Scientists at New York University and Cali Naturals CBD Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital found that cannabidiol halves rare epilepsy attacks. Researchers in this field express Cali Naturals CBD need to investigate more about Cali Naturals CBD benefits of cannabis in this matter. Cali Naturals CBD parents learned that cannabidiol had been studied for Cali Naturals CBD treatment of epilepsy by being pushed for use in Cali Naturals CBD treatment of their daughter. CBD oil contains very low levels of THC (psychoactive substance) so you do not feel Cali Naturals CBD sensation of euphoria of marijuana. In less than two days and after treatment, Annalize Lujan was cured of her constant seizures, on May 8. At present, Cali Naturals CBD girl is recovering from her cognitive functions that she had before suffering Cali Naturals CBD seizures.