Alpha Femme Keto Genix Fatty acids from the Omega-3 family are essential in the construction of myelin sheaths - a layer that insulates nerve fibers that protects them mechanically and guarantees efficient transmission of nerve impulses. Research conducted by the Center for Research on Alzheimer's disease confirmed that the amount of Omega-3 acids can affect the aging process of the brain. As has been proven, a diet deprived of this type of acids may result in the weakening of mental abilities and memory functions. Because the human body is unable to synthesize them on its own, it is necessary to supply these ingredients along with the diet. The rich sources of unsaturated fatty acids include fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines, as well as nuts and seeds, especially walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, linseed and sunflower seeds. A diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids is beneficial not only for the support of the brain. As has been proven, it is also a guarantee of the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and myocardium, and further reduces the risk of cancer. antioxidants Consuming products that are a source of antioxidants may delay the aging process of the brain due to the prevention of damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are nothing but irregular atoms, which due to their specific structure are responsible for the tissue distribution, playing a significant role in the formation of many diseases. The task of antioxidants is to neutralize them before cell damage occurs. The leader among antioxidants is undoubtedly contained in fresh fruits and vegetables, vitamin C. Among its sources should be mentioned primarily cruciferous vegetables and berries, as well as potatoes, moreover plant products of green and yellow color, such as parsley or paprika . Apart from vitamin C, antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system also include vitamin E, which is the source of, among others, vegetable oils and sprouts, wholemeal bread and pasta, as well as seeds and nuts. Already one tablespoon of oil or two tablespoons of sunflower seeds will meet the daily requirement for this ingredient.
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