In addition, you can't precisely select the race of your choice when creating your character Lost Ark Gold. the race will be determined according to the character's gender, and the class of the character, similar in gender. For this reason, the character's race will already be set when you choose the class.

It's still unclear whether players can select different races in each class in the future as the game's developer hasn't made any official announcements on that matter. One of the main benefits of many MMORPGs is the capability to make friends in-game, and guilds can be a fantastic way to keep them all together and coordinate events.

Making a guild within Lost Ark is fairly simple and can be completed within minutes of players leaving in the prologue, and possess the needed amount of silver. The game throws plenty at players once they exit the prologue, therefore, learning about guilds could surely be lost among the myriad of details.

To open the guild tab to open the guild tab, press Alt+U or select "Community" on the bottom right hand corner of the map. Then, select "Guild" on the pop-up menu. It will display the screen of the guild. At first glance, it will show all the guilds who are currently recruiting members. They can have as many as 30 members in each one when they first start.

In order to form a guild you'll need 2,000 silver. Once you're in the Guild tab, check above the panel and click "Create Guild." Put in a name for the guild, the description, and when you hit "Create Guild," your guild will be established. When you create a guild, you can keep the "Add to Suggested Groups List" checked so your guild shows up in the list of suggested guilds Buy Lost Ark Boosting. They can then invite others to join your club or join it immediately.