In New World, players can collect a wealth of resources, including the coveted Corrupted Sliver. Players can easily find resources such as silver and marijuana in the game, but it is difficult to collect the Corrupt Sliver. However, players can obtain Corrupted Slivers by completing Major Corruption Breakthroughs and looting Major Breakthrough Chests. Corrupted shards can be used to craft items on stonecutting tables.

Players can combine Corrupted Slivers with other resources to create various tuning orbs. Tuning orbs are used to unlock new expeditions. Players will need to find the Corrupted Sliver at some point during New World gameplay. Players must first complete a major Corruption breakthrough to have a chance to loot the Corrupted Sliver. Serious Corruption exploits refresh hourly and are visible on the player's map.

Players can do major corruption violations in New World Coins groups of five, as it is much more difficult than minor corruption violations. Players can deal with major corruption violations by using the right weapons and class builds. The only way for players to obtain the Corrupted Sliver in the New World is to close the main Corruption Rift portal. These portals can only be sealed with the Azoth Staff during the breakout event.

After players close the portal, they will have access to the main exploit cache that sometimes contains rare loot drops. Corrupted Slivers are not found in every large breach chest, they can only be found in those specific chests. Small Corrupted Rift Chests do not contain any Corrupted Sliver. Once New World players have collected the Corrupted Sliver, they can use the Corrupted Sliver to adjust the Orb.

Tuning Orbs allows players to Buy New World Coins take part in new expeditions. Corruption Shards can also be combined to create Corrupted Shards, which are used to unlock Premium Tuning Orbs and more Expeditions. This doesn't help create any of the best weapons in the game. Additionally, players can get more New World Coins at a lower price at NewWorldCoins, who will provide players with a professional 24/7 online service.