Back then I was just a teenager, keen to play Runescape as I thought it was amazing I could be an avatar and explore the RS gold world, going wherever I wanted to go. I played through the island tutorial and started with just a few dollars (I believe it was 12 gp lol? .
I played my part as an adventurer "seriously"; I was prepared to take on anyone using my bronze sword, wooden shield, and sword. Back then, my favorite skills were mining and smithing because I wanted to make fully iron armor and was eager to create more due to all the colorful armors out there (mithril LOL). And where did I go to learn more about Runescape? Sal's Realm of Runescape is the best! The past few years have seen a lot of changes in runescape... Unfortunately certain of them weren't very good.
I was adamant about bot nuke day, and its utterly insane delay, I hated Dungeoneering, I was adamant about the fact that I could not make money selling armor in the exchange (smithing became really useless) Also, I hated the fact that there were many fraudsters in the game (I watched a video that contained an "link" to a fake which was where my password was taken... yes, it happens even for the most experienced players) and all my dragon armor was taken (thankfully, my cash was secure in my bank). Although all these issues were very troubling, I was forced to leave because of two reasons.
Jagex was terrible at customer support. I was of the opinion that they were not interested. Jagex rather than making the game better and returning it to existence, thought of the idea of runescape 2007 being brought back as a solution.
But, Runescape seems to have been getting better over the last two years. I'd love to return, but have been too busy with my senior year at the university that I'm not able to play it anymore. Although many of the issues mentioned above still exist but I will always be grateful for the wonderful memories this game has brought me.
How can I forget that Elvarg defeated me in Dragon Slayer. What can I do to forget when I completed The Chosen Commander? So many memorable quests that I could list! Although I don't think I'll be back anytime soon I hope this community will continue to be around for many many years. Thank you Runescape and Thank you Sal for your guidebooks!
Hello all! JagexHQ has witnessed the popularity of the Ironman Challenge grow and we have enjoyed watching players take on the challenge through YouTube videos or livestreams.
The Ironman Challenge, a community-craze where players design an original RuneScape character. It is only possible to use the resources and equipment you have and you cannot ask for cheap RuneScape gold help from others. It's a lot of fun and tests your skills and knowledge.